If you have no previous experience...
Take our "Intro to Pole" class before signing up for beginner level classes. Find our Intro to Pole classes under the "classes" tab of our schedule.
After you've taken Intro to Pole, you can join our "4-Week Beginner Pole Starter Series" that meets weekly and/or join our drop-in Beginner Pole Technique classes. Find our 4-week series under the "courses" tab of our schedule and beginner drop-in classes under "classes".
If you're interested in our Lyra (Aerial Hoop) program, you'll want to start with our 4-week "Intro to Lyra" Series. We currently do not offer drop-in Lyra classes.
You must be at least 18 years old (minors must follow our protocol for getting approval to attend).
You must reserve your spot in class in advance--just go to our Schedule page and book the class or course you want to start with.
To save time at check-in, please fill out our liability waiver prior to arriving.
If you have previous experience...
Contact the studio for a level assessment to ensure you are in a class that fits your skill level. (You can acquaint yourself with our levels here.)
You m be at least 18 years old (minors must follow our protocol for getting approval to attend).
You must reserve your spot in class in advance--just go to our Schedule page and book the class or course you want to start with.
To save time at check-in, please fill out our liability waiver prior to arriving.