Safety is our highest priority!
Peer-to-peer teaching, coaching, and spotting is never allowed--even if your peer is an instructor. At Vertical Fusion we like that our classes are social and fun, so cheering, encouraging, and conversation is totally welcome. However, soliciting help with a move, spotting, and technique from other students is not allowed. Peer-to-peer teaching is against our policy for liability reasons and can impact your peers’ ability to learn and benefit from class. Spotting of students should only be done by trained Vertical Fusion instructors.
Use the crash mat and/or ask for a spot whenever necessary
For aerial students, mats are required at all times--regardless of level/ability/experience. This applies to classes, private lessons, private practice, and open studio.
For pole, use of the mats and spotting is mandatory when learning an aerial move for the first time and/or when one is not proficient at it. Mats are also required if a student is experiencing grip issues and doing aerial moves. Mats are mandatory for ALL DROPS. -
Independent practice (i.e. Open Studio) should be done safely and according to your skill level. Peer to peer teaching is never allowed. This session is purely for independent practice and rehearsal. Open Studio time is observed by an instructor to ensure safety and policy compliance. This is not a "class" and you will not be taught, coached, or spotted. Please abide by the following safety policies during Open Studio time: 1) Participants must be active Vertical Fusion students or you must call ahead to get approval to attend open studio sessions (i.e. visiting from another studio out of town). You must have previous formal training if you are not an active VF student. 2) Participants are not allowed to teach, coach, or spot each other--NO EXCEPTIONS! This policy is strictly enforced! 3) Participants should not be executing moves that require a spot. Only moves that you already learned and in which you are able to execute safely without a spot may be practiced. 4) Participants may not ask Vertical Fusion staff for instruction or spotting. 5) Participants must use a gymnastic mat at all times for aerial hoop/hammock and for pole, mats must be used when executing aerial tricks. 6) Pole participants must clean poles and return to static mode at the end of class. 7) All aerial equipment rigging must be handled by VF staff ONLY! 8) You may NOT bring your own aerial equipment to use during open studio time. All participants must use studio-provided equipment. 9) Preregistration is REQUIRED! No drop ins are allowed.
Speak up if you feel you are not ready or comfortable with a move being taught
Our instructors are trained to recognize what is appropriate for your level but you are empowered at Vertical Fusion to take care of your own body and and advocate for your safety, so we empower you to decline any moves that you feel are not appropriate for or desirable to you. -
Participation while under the influence of alcohol or any other mind altering chemicals is strictly prohibited
For your safety and the safety of others, we have a zero tolerance policy against participating in our programs when under the influence of any substance that alters mental and/or physical state. Any persons suspected of being under the influence will be required to leave. -
Be empowered to speak up if you witness any activity that appears to be unsafe and/or against policy
Speak quickly and loudly if someone is in imminent danger. Call 911 if you feel there is an emergency situation that requires action. If it is not an urgent or emergent situation, please reach out to a Vertical Fusion staff member in a timely manner. -
Please arrive to class on time to ensure you receive a proper and thorough warm-up to avoid injuries
Vertical Fusion instructors have the right to turn away any participant that arrives late. Typically more than 5 minutes late is grounds for turning a participant away. If a participant is turned away, Vertical Fusion will consider it a late cancel resulting in forfeiture of payment. -
Recording devices are only allowed during times designated by your instructor.
To allow for the most effective use of class time, recording devices may only be used during class when the instructor has given the class permission to do so. Time, duration, and frequency is at the discretion of the instructor. We ask that you do your due diligence in notifying those around you and in the background that you are recording. We LOVE and encourage photos and videos to track your progress and to celebrate all the awesome things you're doing but we also want to preserve a high quality and uninhibited learning environment. We also request that you get permission before recording instructors and that you do it during designated times only. -
Clean/disinfect your poles before, after, and during class
Frequent and thorough cleaning of the poles is critical to keeping all students and staff members healthy. Please use a clean towel and designated disinfectant for every class, do not share towels, and place used towels in the proper receptacle for laundering. -
Use good judgment when you are ill or injured
Vertical Fusion prefers that you not further injure yourself or worsen and spread an illness by coming to class when you are not in a healthy state. Because your safety and health are our number one priority, you may request that penalty for late canceling be waived due to injury or illness. It is studio policy to notify us when you cannot make it to class. -
Borrowing/sharing of yoga mats is done at your own risk
Vertical Fusion discourages the sharing of yoga mats for health reasons. Using a yoga mat that is stored at the studio is done at your own risk. Storing personal mats at the studio is done at your own risk. Vertical Fusion is not responsible for mats being used, lost, damaged, or stolen, nor is Vertical Fusion responsible for the hygienic upkeep of yoga mats or for any damages that can occur as the result of sharing yoga mats. -
Leave your valuables at home
Vertical Fusion is not responsible for any personal or valuable items that are brought into the studio. Please do not leave your personal or valuable items at the studio as Vertical Fusion is not responsible for loss, damage, or theft of such items. -
Wear appropriate clothing for class
Pole: Please wear clothing that exposes the appropriate amount of skin for safety when doing aerial moves. Please ensure that all clothing fits properly and is not see-through to avoid unintentional overexposure. Vertical Fusion is a public place and therefore, is subject to ordinances governing indecent exposure.
Aerial: Please wear clothing that is appropriate for your apparatus. For aerial hoop and hammock, tight pants or leggings are highly recommended. For aerial hammock, shirts that cover your armpits are required.
Ensure you have your own personal supply of grip products
To ensure you have grip aids when you need them and as often as you need them, please purchase your own supply and bring them to every class. Make sure you understand the differences between grip aids and how they work to ensure you are using one that is appropriate for your grip issue(s). Using the wrong grip products can create safety issues and/or make class more challenging so please consult with a Vertical Fusion instructor if you need advice. ​
Pet Policy: In order to ensure everyone has a comfortable learning environment, Vertical Fusion has a strict no-pets policy. The only exceptions are service animals. Please contact the studio to find out the process for getting approval for your service animal in advance of bringing the animal to the studio.
Children in the Studio: For liability reasons, children are not allowed to participate in our program nor may they be on the premises while parent(s) are taking classes, etc.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made at least 6 hours prior to the class start time to be considered an "early cancel" and to avoid any forfeiture or penalties. If one cancels less than 6 hours prior to class start time, this is considered a late-cancel and is subject to forfeiture/penalties. If one simply does not show up for class, this is considered a no-show and is subject forfeiture AND possibly penalties if we could have filled your spot in class from a waitlist. In cases where someone is ill/contagious or has other emergent or extenuating circumstances, efforts should be made to notify us as soon as possible so we can try to fill your spot which could result in exemption of penalties.
All unlimited and limited members are subject to late-cancel and no-show fees as follows:
Unlimited Membership: If you late-cancel (6 hours or less before class start time) 3 or more times per month, you will be charged $20.00 to your card on file. If you no-show for a class, you will incur a $10.00 fee for each incidence, which will be charged to your card on file.*
Limited Membership: If you late cancel (6 hours or less before class start time), the class is forfeited. If you no-show, your class is forfeited and if the class had a waitlist, you will be charged a $10 fee in addition to forfeiting your class.*
*EXCEPTION TO LATE-CANCEL AND NO-SHOW POLICIES ABOVE: In the event we are subject to mandated capacity restrictions (i.e. COVID Pandemic), regardless of your membership type, you will be charged a $35 fee for late-cancels and no-shows if the class is waitlisted and we are unable to fill your spot due to lack of or late notification. THIS POLICY SUPERSEDES THE POLICIES ABOVE.