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What inspired you to get into pole/aerial/dance/fitness?

My cousin had a bachelorette party at a pole studio and the instructor had drool-worthy legs. The following year, I got engaged and I thought I would surprise my finance by learning some sweet pole moves. Instead I realized this was about me and my journey to loving myself. Husbands need not apply.


What would you like every new VF student to know?

You're fucking amazing! No one is here to judge you. Dance your heart out. Be free. Be you. We love you just the way you are.               


What wisdom would you like to impart or message would you like to send to all VF students, new and old?           

There are times when everything feels so hard. Just getting up and slogging through the day is a struggle. It's those times, when dragging yourself to the studio and getting your butt on the pole, seem like the hardest thing in the world. But this is not just a fitness class, this is a community, a support group of glittering unicorns. On those days, when you put yourself last, come in out of the rain and remember that you are beautiful, loved, and appreciated.               


What is your favorite pole/aerial memory and why?

Getting my monkey hang for the first time. I was in novice and I wasn't able to invert. My self-esteem was at an all-time low and I was close to quitting. I was trying to demonstrate how I couldn't do the move and then I popped right into it. I always remember that moment when my own doubt nearly crippled my progress. It reminds me of how far I've come and how much further I can go.


I threw out my back practicing hair flips - true story.        

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